Sunday 3 May 2009

Home Sweet Home


Recently the idea of 'home' for me has been turned upside down. I guess there is that type of 'home' complex where once you move out from your family you feel like you lack a home as when you go back, its never the same as when you leave. The solution may lie in creating your own sense of home for yourself, through decoration to suit you. For me I have a lot of decorating coming up with the decoration plans for my bedroom back 'home' and my new house that I will be moving into around August time. Coming up with these ideas have been with me a lot recently and ways in which you could decorate in a less invasive way (for rooms that you wont be in for long- hotel rooms, halls of residence, e.c.t).
Above there are a few inspirational images, plus here are a few ideas to get you going:

Cover your walls with cuttings from magazines. I did this for my halls of residence walls as it was easy to take down and put up. Its kind of like creating a large collage full of your favourite images.

Fold up lots of paper origami cranes (or any other shape) in different colour papers. Attach them to invisible thread and hang from the ceiling above your bed.

Brighten up your room with a bunch of beautiful flowers.

Cover the walls with framed photographs of good times, friends, family and places. Choose different styles of frames in different shapes and colours. You could spray paint old frames to make them more modern or cover them in fabric.

Arrange the books on your shelves in rainbow color order. May sound a little anal but the colours really do look fabulous in this way and if your anything like me and can only remember what the book looks like and not what its called, it will be much easier to locate.

Flickr images: Beleonora, lush bella, decor8, Claire L. Evans, cinemafia

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