Asaf EinyNeed time to slow down? To de-stress? I think we all need a bit more 'me' time these days, with constant work over load and technology plugged into our every need sometimes its a good thing to take a break. I have realised this more and more, and with my trip away from the constant work load of fashion, I have been able to re-evalute and calm down; and gosh I really do need that sometimes! For any of you savvy and possibly slightly stressed Londoners out there
Slow Down London is a new 'mini' festival to pop those stress bubbles. Between 24th April and 4th May they are offering Free morning yoga, Poetry classes, Free London Walks, Art Exhibitions and Craft Workshops among many other events. I myself will not be able to attend the events yet I think it sounds brilliant so I am spreading the word! Even if, like me, you cannot attend the events then
Slow Down London have suggestions that anyone could incourperate to help make your day even more glorious. I have attatched my own interpretation and ideas to help make your day as fabulous as you are!
Start your day differentlyWake up five minutes earlier than usual so you have time to get
dressed and have breakfast without hurrying.
Take a real lunch breakEat al fresco, not al desko! Go out and look at something; eat your
lunch in peace, away from your workplace.
Listen with undivided attentionto a piece of music; to a bird singing; to your friend or colleague
who is speaking.
Switch it offIt might be your email or your phone – take some down time
to relax.
Walk a different routeWith a change to our routine we can discover our neighbourhood
and our city with fresh eyes.
j_naturaliaLula Love's Fabulous Day Tips♥ Tell someone how much they mean to you, even if its just as simple as 'your a great friend'
♥ Try treating yourself to your favourite breakfast. How does it feel to wake up to your favourite thing?
♥ Write To-do Lists. Not of your work tasks to do but of the things that make you happy, or smile. Possibly the things that you would love to achieve, then set out a way to make them come true.
♥ Laugh
♥ Indulge in Guity Pleasures: re-runs of cheesy tv shows, chick flicks, a huge hunk of chocolate
♥ Plan a holiday or a trip away
♥ Decourate you room with the things that make you happy. For me I covered one of my walls with magazine inspiration, illustrations and photography. You could also hang a line across your room and attatch your latest inspirations with pegs, to create a similar effect. Both these things can be as simple of complicated as you like, however what makes you happy could be a vase of fresh flowers. Change to suit you and what you want to wake up to.
&heartsHula hoop
♥ Dress up in your favourite outfit. Take photos.
Here are just a few tips but please feel free to add your own and I hope you have a great day!